by Richard Geer
And just as they did not retain the knowledge of God any longer, He gave them over to a depraved mind and a degrading passion, to do those things that are not proper. (Romans 1:28)
Most people believe that evolution has impacted only the scientific theater, and in fact has only been a part of scientific theory. The common argument of the scientific community is that evolution is scientific, while creation is religious; thus creation should never be taught in schools, in the science classrooms specifically. You might as well have Christians believe that they are ignorant of science unless they compromise with evolution.
One must realize that the theory of evolution is not neutral in its effect on society. In fact, it is as religious as Christianity and has impacted every area of life. Evolution is the foundation of many evils we are attempting to remove.
What's wrong with this phrase: "Science vs. creation?" A statement that was made on a Nova program was: "We are trying to deal objectively with the creationists' arguments." Basically their idea is: "If you are a creationist, you are a religious person, but if you are an evolutionist, you are a scientific person." It is true that creationists are basically religious but to say that evolutionists are scientific is untrue. Let us use the fact of the matter that the religious nature of evolution touches every area of science, philosophy and even, religion. Notice how vehemently and ardently it is defended, no matter how many loopholes and holes have been punched through it, no matter how many weaknesses there are (and even evolutionists themselves have acknowledged them).
For example, evolutionists threw away the gradualism of Darwinism. Now they have what they call the punctuated equilibrium rehash of the old "hopeful monster theory" which says that a reptile lays an egg and it turns out to be a bird. What's defective is that there is no transitionary fossils ever found in the fossil record. People have been telling them that. But the scientist and layperson alike will not celebrate that fact. They just say that the Archaeopteryx and the horse series fossils represent these. But these are not transitional forms at all, but complete animals.
The evolutionists have a tree and there are all kinds of missing things involved in it. This is a very important fact for people to explain to others. If evolution is true, basically we have no Creator that we are subject to. We have no responsibility. We are at this point, the highest sum total of naturalistic processes, i.e., we're gods.
Now, if you are a Christian, this sounds suspiciously like what the serpent told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In fact, it is the same thing. The religious nature of evolution becomes very clear when it goes full circle. In it's initial guise, evolution came as a purely scientific theory, supposedly. But it was very quickly after that that we began to find out how badly it affected society, and even the Church. In fact, the Church was one of the first institutions to accept evolutionary thinking. Consequently, Moses didn’t write the books of Moses, because at the time of Moses, writing had not evolved or progressed that far. Human beings would not have been that advanced. Of course, fairly quickly after they made that statement, the archaeologists found the Code of Hammurabi predating it 1,000 years. In other words, writing in complex codes had existed 1,000 years before the earliest dating of Moses' manuscripts. Therefore, that theory was clearly without reason. But just like evolution, they still teach it saying that the Books of Moses were written with four different sources in mind. This is known as the JEPD (Jehovah Elohim Priestly Deuteronomical) hypothesis.
The earliest was one set of writers, and that was the Elohim, and then it was Jehovah. The next one was that the priesthood documents were written later on. And, the Deuteronomical documents, which I believe were supposed to have been written in the time of Ezra near or after the time of the Babylonian captivity. This explanation was needed because some of the theological statements seemed very involved and too advanced.
Why did the church buy into evolutionary thinking? They bought into the statement that God was not a God of revelation, that man discovered these principles by accident. The institutional church has been holding onto these same principles for 150 years. The point is, God is revelatory, not evolutionary. God reveals Himself and people change. It is not a matter of a man stumbling into something and accidentally receiving a new revelation.
Why is this important? Because, when the Church loses its belief in the infallibility and the revelatory nature of God, miracles cease, healings cease, and power ceases. The Church becomes impotent. The reason for functioning really ceases, except as mainly a social club.
You can see in the world around us how the Church has been affected. Even with the 85% who say they are Christians, we still have pornography, abortion and 100 symptoms of malaise all over. It's not that there are a number of people without a church, but with all those professing Christianity, you'd think we'd never have a pornographic establishment anywhere in the country, let alone many in every city.
It has been said, "There is tremendous controversy surrounding the mechanisms of evolution and what evidence, if any, supports them? However, the facts of evolution are never challenged. The very same thing that happened with the JEPD theory, the reason for it's existence was blown out of the water, but the theory was not discarded. The same thing has happened with evolution time and time again. People have assumed them to be true, despite the contradictory evidences, and there are many." It is the basis for their belief system, belying the fact that it is not religious in nature. It is religious in nature, which is why they are fighting so hard to maintain its supremacy in modern thought.
Leading evolutionists, Theodosius and Dobzhansky are often quoted from Pierre Teillhard des Chardin, who said “(Evolution) is a general condition to which all theories, all systems, all hypotheses must bow and which they must satisfy henceforward if they are to be thinkable and true.” That nullifies the Creationists. Evolution is the light that illuminates all facts, a trajectory that all lines of thought must follow. It is the belief that determines how one looks at the facts and which facts you are to accept or ignore, even if the facts are valid. The British physicist, H.S. Lipson, Professor of Physics, University of Manchester, U.K. reached the following conclusion, "In fact, evolution became in a sense a scientific religion; almost all scientists have accepted it, and many of them are prepared to ‘bend’ their observations to fit in with it.” Evolution is thus religious in nature, and one requires much faith to accept evolution, resulting in dogmatism and bias.
There are all kinds of stories of false data, everything from Piltdown man, Nebraska man, to Peking man - basically people have just refused to not believe it. Another example is Ernst Haeckel's doctoral embryonic drawings - the recapitulation theory. Haeckel was convicted of fraud but this recapitulation theory is used to prove evolution in textbooks 50 years after being proven false.
There is a religious nature to evolution. That being the case, it is not surprising that it is going to impact everything that religion is supposed to impact. One of the aspects of evolution is humanism. A lot of people get mad at the fundamentalists, the Christians or the creationists, who really get down on humanism. Humanism by itself is not necessarily evil; it is just basically man-centered. (Humanism is the study of human endeavors or those things that pertain to human experience.) But when you deal with what we call "secular humanism", that is, man independent and autonomous from God is the highest form or best expression of natural processes, you have an atheistic, and therefore, a hopeless situation. It is amazing how much the Church has taken this into it's own belief systems, sometimes overtly, sometimes covertly. They believe that miracles don't happen today. Some of them try to Biblically prove it, but really there is nothing in the scripture that disproves that miracles could happen today. It is basically a lack of faith or a lack of experience with them, or both. But the lack of experience is caused as much by the humanist or the evolutionary bias in our own thinking, that we live in a closed universe. We believe in God to a certain extent. But God doesn't seem to function where we live day to day. That's evolutionary. Evolution will allow faith, so long as it doesn't have any effect on us in our everyday lives, that is "time/space" reality. This is an untenable position for a Christian. Christianity is in everything but an empty universe. It is a time/space religion. It is not like Hinduism where some god has a dream and suddenly it happens. No! God created. God said.
For example, if God says a "worldwide" flood happened, we should be able to figure out based on what water does, what would happen to the world if a worldwide flood occurred. Of course we would find as Ken Ham says, "If this world was destroyed by a worldwide, cataclysmic flood, we should expect to find billions of dead things, laid down in rock layers, buried all over the earth." What do we find? Billions of dead things buried under tons of sediment, laid down by water action all over the earth. That's exactly what we do find. So the Bible, though not purporting to be a scientific textbook, is accurate in those things.
But the Church has said "No" to this. They have accepted evolutionary thinking. As a result, we have all kinds of compromises - local floods being one example. The "world-wide" flood only happened in a certain area of Mesopotamia, for example. If that were so, what was the big deal with Noah? He could have just moved out of the area and been saved. The point is, we have local floods, we have no floods, or we have what is called "the gentle flood areas, nothing really changed." All of these things are just basic compromises - the day/age theories and the gap theories trying to reconcile long ages. All of this came into existence after evolutionary thinking. None of these theories were around before the evolutionary thought. It may have been around before Darwin's book Origin of the Species but not before Lyellian geology began to disseminate. Long ages began because they didn't accept the fact that the world was a fairly young earth. It also was a political idea to remove the idea of the divine right of kings inextricable tied to the Bible in their minds - so remove the authoritative nature of scripture starting at the earliest parts of the Bible ALA: Genesis.
What was the main reason for the long ages?… Because we see no evidence of evolution during our own lifetime. We see none in the history of man, so it had to take place over a long period of time. Therefore, we need long ages. And the Church bought into that. But when you buy into that long period of time, ask, "When did the dinosaurs live?" Some will answer, "They died out 65 million years ago." Others will say, "many, many years ago", or "a long time ago". Well, they did exist a long time ago, but more like 5,000-10,000 years ago. Up to the 16th century there were reports of dragons menacing livestock. It is unthinkable, even in the Church, that the dinosaurs lived only thousands of years ago. We have been evolutionary biased.
It has inevitably corrupted the Church as seen by our eroded faith and impotence. The Church has gone into man-centered philosophy - Humanism. The Church has incorporated so much of this thinking that virtually the whole of the Church has become more and more man-centered. (Consider the people involved in health/wealth philosophy. These people are reported to be totally spiritual, and even Pentecostal or charismatic, which supposedly are the most spiritual, but they are man-centered.) These people try to save people themselves. I ask them "Well, how did you get saved?" And they say, "I accepted Jesus." I respond, "No, Christ died on the cross." They are starting from themselves, not from God. We do have an action involved. It's not like we're puppets. But do we start from ourselves or do we start from God? This attitude has infected the entire Church - the Humanistic, man-centered philosophy of God.
Humanism puts myself, my wishes, and my goals (no matter how high-minded, religious or spiritual they sound) before God's. We are god-mans not gods.
Humanism is man-centered. Humanism believes there is no god and that evolution is true.
Humanism has resulted in the sexual revolution.
When Jesse Jackson came to town, did he talk about accidents or morality? No, he talked about safe sex. Because the sexual revolution has so colored their minds, and it is based on the "fact" that we are animals because we have evolved from slime, we can act like slime. Okay, we're not slime. Okay, we're now a human being, but we are basically full of animal drives - the id, the superego, and the ego. What we do is sexually motivated because the primary fact is we are just like an animal.
It is evolution... pure evolution. Did it affect the Church? Did it affect society? Yes. There are no doubts. We find the fruits of 20-30 years of sexual revolution: AIDS, Penicillin-resistant strains of Gonorrhea, millions of abortions at a whim. This is a direct result of Darwinian thinking. The sexual revolution is based on the "fact" that we are animals, and therefore we should live like animals.
But again, I go back to the Church - Why did Darwin pull the rug out from under the Church? I have heard Jesse Jackson preach about Christ and he is sincere. But there is a problem when ministers talk about safe sex, rather than the need to repent, coming to God and living a chaste life because we are made in the image of God. We are not animals. We don't have to live down to our base desires. We may sin, stumble and fall. We are carnal creatures. But we are not animals. Safe sex is not the answer. That's Darwinism for you. It has affected the world and the Church.
Another result of Darwinism is that abortion is okay. We're only animals to begin with. All evolutionary teachers know that this next thing I am going to mention is totally false; it has been disproved for many, many years. It is still taught in some places but it is very rare. It is still taught in textbooks and people still believe it. Some people use it as a basis for abortion, to support the idea that abortion is okay.
Some people believe a fetus is nothing but an "it" or an "animal" or a "transition" from a fish to an amphibian to man because they have gill slits. That's an evolutionary doctrine.
There is a phrase called "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". This means that our development in the fetus recapitulates or grows over the entire evolutionary thing that we develop through... from the slime, the amoeba, one-celled animals, to the fish, to the amphibian and any kind in between the amphibian and human beings. That was disproved years ago; yet people still believe it. It is still used as justification for abortion.
Another impact of Darwinism: the removal of vestigial organs. In the 1950s, doctors took tonsils out because it was a vestigial organ. Now we have found that it isn't so vestigial; it fights off disease. We have all kinds of organs that were cut out in the 1940s and 1950s because of evolutionary thinking. The organs we cut out were basically used as defense mechanisms of the body. Certain organs, such as the pancreas and appendix were considered vestigial. After we cut them out, we find out 2O years or so later that these aren't so vestigial. They really have a function. The direct result of Darwinian thinking has affected society through a breakdown of the immune systems. You're not talking about just cutting off vestigial organs, which aren't vestigial; they're important!
Darwin directly influenced Sigmund Freud. Freud was big in influencing the sexual invasion in one form or another. Freud, in fact, dedicated his works to Charles Darwin, as did a lot of others. Karl Marx wanted to, but was politely turned down by Charles Darwin.
Sigmund Freud was one of the greatest influences in the field of psychology and human behavior. Freud's ideas had a major evolutionary effect on our culture. The theories of Freud are not really accepted and respected that much in most psychiatric circles these days, but his influence on our culture is still rampant. Freud's greatest impact has been on the way man thinks about himself. Very few scientists have had such revolutionary influence on mankind. Freud is considered the founder and instigator of modern thought and ideas. Freud was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin and his evolutionary idea. It was Darwin's Origin of the Species that provided the basis for most of Freud's ideas. People don't know that. And consequently, most of the basis for our sexual revolution comes from Darwin via Freud.
Freud himself stated that the theory of Darwin, which was in its beginning at that time, attracted him mightily because it promised to advance the knowledge of the world tremendously. And of course, he applied his principles many, many times. In the words of Freud, "man is not different from nor better than animals." Another time Freud remarked, "the present development of mankind seems to remind me, there seems to be no other explanation than that of the animals." As clarified in his monograph, Freud was an evolutionary scientist and he recognized evolution was fundamental to his perspective.
So, if we're Freudian, let's live like animals! Deep inside of us, we know that's wrong, but that's why we have people getting married 3, 4 or 6 times. Many people believe in marriage but they have no basis for it. Consequently, their marriages don't last.
Few believe in a Genesis that's literal or true but instead live in the evolutionary thought. Marriage has no basis except as a "feel-good" thing. Once the "feel-good" wears off, why stick around? Culture has been moving steadily away from Christianity, Christian thought, the Judeo-Christian ethic and consequently, our society is losing the benefits of that ethic. Instead we have taken on the Darwin-evolution/humanistic trap, and the "benefits" are not good.
But let us go on. Scripture says that you will know false prophets by their fruit. Is it truth or not? You can tell by the works.
There is such a thing called the Evolutionary Tree. You see it in almost every book on biology, zoology, botany, and paleontology. You see the one-celled animal grows into multi-celled animals, which grows to the dinosaurs, mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles, etc. What's incredible is that there are millions of missing links all over the place that we have never found. Every time a missing link "is discovered", we find a living one. In the fossils, supposedly, they found the ancestor of man; then they find a full man skeleton, which could predate it by a million years. So how can it be the ancestor? Evidence to support evolution keeps getting knocked away, one after the other. But the theory itself is never questioned except by Creationist or fundamentalist jerks, right? When the world argues against your church and they don't have an adequate answer, they will use invective, slander, put-down, etc. They will attack the character - we call that an ad hominem argument, a lawyer's trick - and it works very successfully. They make "fundamental" just by its very self an evil word. The point is that they never talk about the arguments. When they do talk about the arguments, it's incredible.
The creationists have a better forum and they seem to be winning the argument among the popular masses. That's very interesting. I just watched a Nova program, which was shown nationwide, probably internationally, that was totally evolutionary. The narrator talked about both creationism and evolution. They treated Duane Gish like a fundamentalist preacher. They never dealt with any of his arguments. At the end of the NOVA show it was said, "the creationists seem to be winning the media war so the scientists just have to get their message out better.”
I can’t believe the audacity of such people. Do creationists have a national forum like National Geographic Specials, Arts & Entertainment specials, NOVA, PBS, or other prime time spots, which frequently contain evolutionary programming? Creationists have none of these forums, yet we're winning the argument? I submit it is because we have the truth. And even if the world has problems and wants to sin, and is using evolution as an excuse to have sexual promiscuity, immorality, abortion and a hundred other evils, when the truth is shown to them, they recognize it. They are not that stupid. People are saying, "This is right." "This holds water." Evolution is not holding water at all.
How about other points that I think are direct results of what I call the true evolutionary tree? I talked about the false evolutionary tree... the one that talked about how the animals all evolved from each other. But from the true evolutionary tree there evolved many, many branches with many, many fruits, and the fruit is all bad.
I have talked about secular humanism. I have talked about Freud and the direct result of the sexual revolution and abortion. What about Hitler? What about Communism? - Both are direct fruits of Darwin. How about racism?
Did you know that race is not a concept even mentioned in the Bible? Race is an unknown concept in the Bible. It is unbiblical. Race is a concept given validity from Darwinian thought. In fact, T.H. Huxley, known as Darwin's bulldog, made the statement that the Negro is the missing link between the gorilla and the Teuton, or the Teutonic race, which is Germany. Is it any wonder that Hitler thought the way he did? Is it any wonder that people have been putting the black and other people down?
But the Bible is very clear. If from Noah came all the people of the earth, we're all basically the same genetic stock. There are people who are smarter and dumber, taller, shorter, more talented - that's true. Some people say, "Blacks are better athletes but they're not as smart as whites." It has nothing to do with race. We all came from Noah. We all have the same traits inside. From one blood God has made every nation. (Acts 17:26)
Let's consider racism a little bit more. Hitler was the ultimate example of racism based on Darwinian principles. He dedicated his book, Mein Kampf, to Darwin. Both Darwin and Huxley believed in the evolution of the race. "Evolution teaches the continual struggle and competition between the species with the strongest surviving and dominating the weaker species."
Don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that slavery never existed before Darwin or that evil never existed before Darwin. That's not what I'm saying. Man can always find ways to put other men down, but they never had a scientific validity for it. This is what Darwin supplied and it ended up in the most brutal action that has ever happened on the face of the earth. Hitler exterminated over 6,000,000 Jews in World War II. The blacks were considered just as evil, weak or inferior. Charles Darwin, even though he was opposed to slavery on moral grounds, was certain of white supremacy. Now where did he get his "moral grounds?" He wrote, "I could show natural selection having done more for the progress of civilization than you seem inclined to admit. The more civilized, so-called Caucasian races, have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Lucky for the world, in no very distant date, when an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher, civilized races throughout the world." This is Darwin's own writing.
Hitler was the ultimate example of racism based on Darwinian principles. He dedicated his book, Mein Kampf, to Darwin. Both Darwin and Huxley believed in the evolution of the race. "Evolution teaches the continual struggle and competition between the species with the strongest surviving and dominating the weaker species." The problem of racism was further fueled by many of the scientists who held the same view based on evolution. After 1859 the evolutionary schema raised additional questions, particularly whether or not Afro-Americans could survive competition with their near white relations. Based on evolutionary thought, the momentous answer was a resounding "No!" in the scientific community. The African was inferior. This was Darwin's view. The African represented the missing link between the ape and the Teuton (Germanic/white/Caucasian) races.
As said, the most extreme example of the result of evolutionary thinking was Hitler. "Hitler believed in the struggle, as the Darwinian principle of human life, that forced every people to try to dominate all others. Without struggle, they would rot and perish," as one author wrote. Even in his own defeat in April l945, Hitler expressed a statement of survival of the stronger and stated the surviving peoples to have proven themselves the stronger. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Gestapo, stated that the law of nature must take its course in the survival of the fittest. The result was the gas chambers. Hitler stated numerous times that Christianity and its notion of charity should be replaced by the ethic of strength over weakness. This is a direct fruit of Darwinian thinking.
One more thing, about racism - how did it affect the Church? The Church is not exempt. Every one of these ideas has been accepted, has been taken out and used in the world, and has an equally bad counterpart in the Church. Racism? Is there racism in the church? You bet. Why do we have black and white churches? Is it purely cultural? I think not. Why apartheid? Why did that exist? Do you realize that the Dutch Reformed church, up until recently, were the propagators of this thinking? The black race was inferior to the white race. They basically believed in the doctrine of apartheid. Again, as said earlier, the Bible does not even know a concept called "race". You know what concepts it knows? Peoples, tribes, tongues, and multitudes of nations. The Bible divides up on language, culture, and geography. Those are the divisions it talks about because it recognizes that we all came from two people (Adam and Eve) and by extension, Noah and his family.
Another wonderful Christian example of what I call racism - How about the Ku Klux Klan? Totally Christian, to their minds. Where did they get the idea that blacks were inferior? It is a racist, evolutionary concept. The Church once again bought into it.
Not only has evolution validated racism - it has caused sexism. Darwin "reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females." He also believed that "unchecked female militancy threatened to produce a perturbance of the races" and to "divert the orderly process of evolution."
He supported his beliefs upon the observation that man was physically and intellectually superior to women. Women, however, were superior in sexual attraction. He compared achievements between women and men and concluded, "the average of mental power in man must be above that of women." Darwin obviously ignored the diverse social roles, educational opportunities, and influence of culture of the two sexes.
The inferiority of women was a major proof of evolution by natural selection. Numerous researchers used craniology to "prove" this, including Paul Broca, an anthropologist who founded the Anthropological Society. Broca concluded that human brains are “...larger in mature adults than in the elderly, in men than in women, in eminent men than in men of mediocre talent, in superior races than in inferior races...other things equal, there is a remarkable relationship between the development of intelligence and the volume of the brain.”
Other contemporaries of Darwin concluded, "women's brains were analogous to those of animals." Women have "overdeveloped" sense organs "to the detriment of the brain". Carl Vogt, who had accepted many of Darwin's conclusions, argued that "the child, the female, and the senile white" all had the intellect and nature of the "grown up Negro".
Gustave Le Bon, the founder of the of social psychology field and a pioneer in the field of collective behavior said,
...the most intelligent races...are a large number of women whose brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains. This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion...Women...represent the most inferior forms of human evolution and ...are closer to children and savages than to an adult, civilized man. They excel in fickleness, inconsistency, absence of thought and logic, an incapacity to reason. Without a doubt there exists some distinguished women, very superior to the average man, but they are as exceptional as the birth of any monstrosity, as for example, of a gorilla with two heads; consequently, we may neglect them entirely.
I could continue further, but I think you get the point.
Let's go back to Hitler's Germany. Now there were many great Christians who did help the Jews escape. They were good men and women of God who knew the truth, but basically the church as an institution stood idly by when Germany set up the gas chambers. They bought the idea of "survival of the fittest". The Jews were inferior.
How about Communism? Communism is basically an anti-God, atheistic system. It is a very evil thing, which is directly attributed to evolutionary principles. It is based on evolutionary, social Darwinism.
The founders of Communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, based their beliefs on a materialistic view of man and the universe, in which there was no room for God. They were both overjoyed to find that Darwin's theory provided the needed evidence to justify their beliefs and ideas once again.
After reading Origin of the Species, Marx wrote to Engels regarding Darwin's theory, "This is the book which contains the basis of natural history for our view." Marx was so excited about the fact that the natural sciences had given the needed validity to his social science theories, he wrote to the revolutionary LaSalle expressing his pleasure that God had been dealt a deathblow by Darwin. He continued to write, "Darwin's book is very important. It serves me as a basis for the struggle of history." Darwin's theory was so vital to Marx that he wanted to dedicate the first volume of work written in 1867 to Darwin. The success of Marxism is directly linked to Darwin's theory. At Marx's funeral, Engels knew the great connection, and said, "Just as Darwin discovered the law of organic evolution in human history, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history."
I was taught that this is what Communism believed. The feudal system gave way to Communism, as did other systems. Capitalism was going to give way to Communism, as well.
The very basis of Marxism, Leninism, atheism and the anti-god philosophy is the foundation of their entire system. Darwin's theory paved the way for general acceptance of Marxist ideology. By the time of the Russian revolution in l917, the idea had been popularized to the masses.
What is very interesting about this whole thing, is that evolution is an anti-God philosophy.... or is it? No, it really isn't. It's an anti-Christian God philosophy. But what it basically seeks to set up is the concept of ourselves as god.
It is interesting to note that there was a man who was coming up with many of the same theories as Darwin - and do you know where he got his theories? He got them through visions in African tribes, by going into trances, etc. He came up with virtually the identical theory as Darwin. What do you think the source of that theory was? The same source that gave Darwin his theory. He wrote to Darwin and talked about the evolutionary theory that man was evolving upward. In fact, Darwin may never have written his book except for this man named Alfred Russell Wallace. It caused Darwin, according to Loren Eisley, to disgorge his hoarded Volume One he had been working on for more than 20 years.
What is interesting now is that we have Marx's ideas and Hitler's ideas. Humanism is based on them. Humanism has a one-world system in mind, with man as the center. What is especially interesting is that recently, only for the last 10 or 20 years, we've been hearing about all kinds of "new systems" coming up - New Ageism, crystals, New World Order, Ascended Masters, Shirley McLain. To most people this seems a little bit ridiculous, but to thousands upon thousands it's not that ridiculous. What is also fascinating is that the basis for New Age religion is the Humanist Manifesto, whose base is evolution. The very foundation of Humanist Manifesto I & II is evolution.
Humanism sets man up as god. I submit, after humanism, that man as god is not acceptable to Lucifer. (He is also known as Satan, the Evil One, and the enemy of our souls.) He wants himself set up as god. He wants to be worshipped as God. He has already set up people to worship demons - they are called Ascended Masters, a New Age religion. But what is interesting is how an anti-God and atheistic system, supposedly evolved (pardon the play on words) into a new religious system. Can't you catch the irony in that? But that's what has happened. You have all kinds of "religions" who have accepted this philosophy - Unitarianism, Unification Church, Mormonism to some extent, etc. - which take their basis on evolutionary theory. But what has happened now is that instead of man being at the center, we worship, submit, and defer to these Ascended Masters - someday we are going to be like them. In the meantime, we listen to these people. The Apostle Paul says these are demons.
CHURCH, WAKE UP! We are not playing around here. People should be justly concerned. I don't mean that Christians should be afraid. We should never be afraid of the evil one, because we have power over him. But the point is: "How did this ideology creep up on us? How did Satan slip us the Mickey Finn, the drug? How did he do this?
First of all, I want to use an analogy. How can a counterfeiter, or a person who is out to try to catch counterfeiters, learn about counterfeit dollar bills? How do they know what's counterfeit? …By studying the true bill. The first thing that Satan did was to undermine the true bill. Get the true Christian God out of our culture, out of our society, even out of the Church and substitute it with something else. Do this so that when the false one steps in, which is happening today, people won't know the difference because they have not been looking at the true. That is the whole plan of this evolutionary monster that has infiltrated society and the Church. We need to walk carefully, uprightly and not be complacent or arrogant. We need to watch and warn people. That's what I am trying to do here, warn the Church.
The humanist one-world objective is still in existence today. This is from one of their pamphlets. "But let it not only be our communistic circles, the goal of humanism is to establish one global government, as the National Education Association…"
First of all, I believe that Satan is the ultimate gradualist. The first thing he did was to get some schools secularized. In the early part of our country's existence, they were based on church or private schools. Very few public schools existed. Then there came public schools, secularized, but they still prayed and talked about God. Then the doctrine of "church and state separation" was invoked, which is really not in the constitution at all. It is in the Communist constitution. The principle is not necessarily evil - separation of church and state, in the sense of what the founding fathers would have liked to have seen come about. Their meaning was that no government could influence what church was going to be the national religion. But one of the early educators - John Dewey - one of the founders of the Humanist organization, had a great influence on the development of schools in America. Primarily, the schools teach evolution. Not every public school does this, but there are so many schools that do, that it is not uncommon today. In most of the schools, evolution is the only theory taught. Consequently, it isn't surprising that they will allow many classes in high school where they teach witchcraft, Transcendental Meditation, and/or situational ethics (which have nothing to do with Biblical ethics), while no Bible studies are allowed. All of these are humanistic counterfeits.
The National Education Association has stated in a textbook for teachers, "Allegiance to a nation is the biggest stumbling block to creation of international government. National boundaries and the concept of sovereignty must be abolished." What's the NEA doing involved in this? (There is a book called NEA Trojan Horse in American Education that I recommend everyone read.) "The quickest way to do this is to condition the young to another and broader alliance. Opinion favored to international government will be developed in the social studies in the elementary school. A world system is the goal."
Evolution is the background of all this stuff - that's its pinnacle, that's its bedrock. We trash evolution and a lot of this stuff will come crumbling down. It will be replaced by something else, but we will at least get rid of this.
Evolution has not only provided the basis for communism, but it has reached into the economic and political structures of western nations, as well. Dog eat dog mentality. A competition for survival has often influenced economic policies and practices. If survival is the name of the game, then an individual must stand and look out for himself. Today we see a generation of people desiring riches and luxuries of the world. There is often pressure and competition to "keep up with the Jones’s next door" and many times business ethics are pushed aside and actions justified by the opportunity of economic advancement. There is a movie called Wall Street, which is based on a Wall Street character resembling Ivan Boesky, whose philosophy was basically "Greed is good."
There was a letter in a local paper, (to which my brother-in-law wrote a response) saying, "Fundamentalists should keep their religion out of politics." Essentially Doug's rebuttal letter stated, "Okay, let's drop the Ten Commandments. Let's go out and murder, kill, lie, cheat and steal. Let's drop the Sermon on the Mount. Let's throw out the fruits of the Spirit - no love, no joy, no peace, no patience, no kindness, longsuffering, gentleness - let's throw those out." Reality is that they don't want to throw out the good things, the results of what true religion is about, true faith in Christ - they want the benefits, but they want no responsibility. This is not the way life is. We have not been taught properly as a nation.
The point is, if it's a dog-eat-dog world, let's act like dogs. If we evolved out of the slime, why does it surprise people when we have slimy politicians? Let's throw Christianity out of politics. HAH! Politics is an extension of our belief system. That's the problem. Politics today is still an extension of our belief system and the Church has been afraid to be involved. I'm not necessarily saying that you have to go out and try to dictate laws, but you need to try to convert people so that the laws will be better and will reflect a righteous nation. Right now, they don't. They reflect an unrighteous nation, where abortion is legal, where the ACLU uses the constitution to disguise immorality, where feelings and common decency are put aside for the sake of expediency and convenience. Why are people surprised when people get murdered in the back seat of their cars? Why are people surprised? We kill babies every day, and it's no big deal. Why are we surprised that people act like animals? All of this has its roots in the evolutionary origin. That was the seed, and all these abominations that we see are the fruit. Evolution was the seed on top of modern day thinking processes.
Sin has been around before all that and Satan has had new philosophies and thinking processes throughout the ages, but for the last 150 years evolution has been the most demonic, evil, wicked influence on our culture that you could ever possibly imagine. What is so bad about it is that it's not just the secular world that takes it in. The Church has bought into it, as well.
There are many other areas that have been influenced by evolution, including the law and the government. Why do we have a national debt? Can I blame that on evolution? Not directly, but our thinking process has led to things like the national debt - "There's no soul, who cares?" "Let's live for today, for tomorrow we die."
Evolution has also revealed apathy in some western countries, including the United States. The government was created by the people and for the people, yet America is plagued by tremendous apathy. Men are simply at the whims of their environment and circumstances. There is little motivation for involvement in government. America's government was also based on the principle of servanthood and we have few servants. People probably would say we don't get paid enough. They are not there to serve, or better yet, they are there to self-serve.
There are very few statesmen in politics today. We have few servants today who are willing to lay down their lives for the nation and the people. Instead everyone wants his own desires fulfilled, and quickly. Only when their life is felt threatened will people rise up to defend their interests. People are primarily concerned with their present state of survival.
Evolution destroyed the idea of building for future generations. As a professor at Emory University summarized it, "Unbridled self-indulgence on the part of one generation, without regard to future ones is the modus operandi of biological evolution and may be regarded as irrational behavior."
Planned Parenthood - what a wonderful institution! I mentioned abortion a little earlier. Margaret Sanger was an evil woman. Of course, her granddaughter practiced promiscuous sex when she was 15 or 16, at the urging of her grandmother. Sanger had several marriages, believed in abortion, and commended Hitler for his purification of the races. That's what her eugenics program is all about. She, in her own writing, talked about going in and infiltrating the black churches to get them to go after abortion to eliminate them. The quality of life is important - if you are not living up to a great standard, your life isn't worth living - so abort. (Abort someone else, of course.) The point is, the black churches have been taken in by this counterfeit which is based right on evolutionary principles.
Margaret Sanger was a strong evolutionist. She believed in survival of the fittest. She believed in Hitler's policies.
A lot of people thought Hitler was on the right track at first. He took Germany out of a depression and put them on the road to economic recovery before he took them back into ruin. After Hitler, people abandoned "social Darwinism", which was very prevalent up until Hitler was exposed. But why hold on to evolution at all? Social Darwinism is a direct, consistent, reasonable and rational outcrop of scientific evolution. If scientific evolution is true, then what's wrong with social Darwinism? Why are we talking out of both sides of our mouth? Blacks and whites are equal - yet evolution never believed that. Evolution believed that there were inferior and superior races. It is inevitable that this is true. The first races are the inferior ones, just as the second ones are the more superior - How do you know which is which? But evolutionists believed it was the Caucasian race.
Evolutionists believe no absolutes exist, except that evolution is true. There is no Creator. Everything, including morals, culture and ethics are constantly changing. Moral standards are no longer based on absolutes. Of course that's law, but it is also situational ethics. Everything is built on successive stages of change. Ethics are flexible and defined by the situation, since any basis for absolutes has been eliminated.
One of the world's leading evolutionary geneticists, Theodosius Dobzhansky, discussed ethics as follows: "Natural selection can favor egotism, hedonism, cowardice…, cheating and exploitation. Ethics are human ethics. They are products of cultural evolution."
The current trends have been justified as progress. The Biblical moral standards that have prevailed in the past and are the foundation of America are now looked at as old-fashioned. Immorality and sexual promiscuity are considered proper conduct because "everyone else is doing it". The current attitude is that we need a change from the dark ages. We don't want to go back to the Creator's idea of absolutes.
Of course, the same thing happened in the evolving legal standards. The constitution meant one thing in the beginning but it doesn't necessarily mean that today - it's evolving.
Now you can understand how evolutionary thinking is affecting every part and parcel of our culture. And that's what it is designed to do. It touches every part of our life. So what else can it be classified but as a religion? It is no more, yet no less religious than Creationism. It uses science to back it up. Creation does the same thing. But, instead of being a hypocrite like the evolutionist, the Creationists admit their Christian bias. The evolutionists do admit their evolutionary biases from time to time. But it's okay for them to be atheistically biased; it's not okay to be creationary biased.
I have talked about the JEPD theory, - why was Daniel written, not around 500 B.C. but in 136 B.C.? This has been stated in many Biblical studies, but when we try to get to the facts all the stated reasons dissipate like smoke in the wind. The true reason seems to be a lack of belief in true prophecy. The infallibility of the scripture, or the infallibility of the original autographs and the meanings of scripture for us are not authoritative. After all they were just written by men - have you heard this argument? That's evolutionary thinking talking because you have people who can't believe that human beings could be influenced by God in such a way to write perfect writings that we can live and operate by. They believe that God has no power in human affairs to do things like that. Of course the whole attack upon the supernatural origins, the revelatory, the miracles, and consequently, our faith, is basically gone by the time we're done.
Church, we have to fight APATHY.
Study the picture on the next page:
Abortion, pornography, murder, euthanasia - these are the symptoms. The foundation of all of these is evolution. Today those evolutionists, by that same token, are blasting away at creation. They're not talking about love, joy, peace - they like those things. They just hate the foundation it is based upon. They don't understand that they are not going to get any love, joy or peace if they knock that away. BUT, we ourselves are letting it happen, or have let it happened.
I mentioned earlier about the erosion of faith in Christ. Let me tell you something. If evolution is true, Genesis is not an accurate book. Genesis is a myth and Christianity has no choice but to fold. The secular humanists know this and that's why they fight Creationism so hard. They try to make us look foolish, stupid, and just plain ignorant. CHURCH, WAKE UP! Even if you fight abortions, even if you fight sin, pornography, and all these other evils, they are only symptoms of the underlying rotten foundation draining these fruits out. Evolutionists believe we are nothing but animals, which originated from slime. This view has infected the Church. It has eroded our faith. If Genesis is not a true book as written, then we are fools to believe in Christianity. For Genesis is substantiated by Christ, by His own words and work. He vindicated, or if you will, fulfilled, consummated, and made the work complete of redeeming us from Adam's failure and sin. Indeed, if Adam and Eve had not sinned, in Genesis 1, we have no need for Christ. If we are evolving upward, we have no need for Christ. If we are going to become gods, we have no need for Christ. He is irrelevant. So, Church - WAKE UP!
But praise God! There has been a significant rebound in the past few years. There are a good number of Christians who hold a literal belief in the Book of Genesis.
Here is a statement on how evolution affected religion. Rudolf Bultmann, a German theologian who was a professor of New Testament studies at Marburg in 1921-1951, was primarily an interpreter of the New Testament. He propounded the theory of getting behind the mythological elements, i.e., miracles and crazy stories that couldn't have happened. He wanted to get into the Bible and get to the real stuff by a process called demythologization of the Bible.
Remember - Christ walking on the water - out! Parting of the Red Sea - out of here! Miracle of the loaves and fishes - they might tolerate that - it's not really a miracle; he shamed people into sharing what they had with other people - isn't that a nice notion? That's just one religious historian and there are others. But the Church was directly influenced. And the more the Church swallowed it, the more it accepted evolutionary ideas, even in little ways, the greater its foothold. As a result, this evil was able to come into our lives. Two World Wars and millions of babies dying are only the symptoms; evolution is the root cause. Christians think it's not important. I have news for you. It is more important than people think.
The seeds of rationalism were the beginning of the end in the sense of Christianity being the dominant world religion in European and other cultures. It undermined the foundations for believing in a Christian God. When Darwin wrote his Origin of the Species, that was the scientific validity that the world was waiting for. They had been waiting for this for a while, probably 50-60 years. They were ready to throw off the shackles of bondage that they had experienced in the medieval, and even the reformation period of time.
What is really sad is that even today people say, "Aw, religion has caused more harm than good." True Christianity has not. What is so sad is that there has been so much falseness and tremendous hypocrisy that has occurred in the world in the name of Christianity. That does not justify nor excuse rejecting the true Christ. Just because there are bad witnesses or hypocrites is no reason to reject the true Christ, except for the hardness of our own heart.
Evolution, though, gave us a new high priest called the scientist. They were the ones who were going to get us into Heaven. The evolutionary process says that we are going to evolve upwards. Someday we will be gods; we will be Ascended Masters. We have no responsibility, no reason to kowtow to anyone, to worship, to obey, or to submit to them. And of course, this is what Satan has been looking for ever since he was thrown out of Heaven.
by Susan Langham
Creation, creation,
God's nature and design for us to see,
Creation, creation,
Displays God's love and majesty.
Creation, creation,
God's glory and majesty
Creation, creation,
Him, through this our eyes might see.
Don't let yourselves become dissuaded,
By those who say Creation isn't true,
For how could this be made,
Without a Master-mind at play,
By random chance all this could not create.
Creation, creation,
God's glory and His design,
Creation, creation,
That to Him we might all resign.
Creation, creation,
This life has been given from above,
Creation, creation,
All this was made by Him who loves.
Though others say this came naturally,
From microorganisms you can't see,
From gradual evolution,
Theistic it may be,
Only God the Father has made all these.
Creation, creation,
Created by God the Father,
Creation, creation,
He won't give His glory to another.
Creation, creation,
We ourselves were made,
Creation, creation,
Jesus, His son, He sent to save.
For God is the One who has created,
Evolution is a thought meant to deceive,
All humans from believing,
The truth of who we are,
The truth of life and whose we're meant to be.
Creation, creation,
If we will obey,
Creation, creation,
Eternal life we'll have today.
Creation, creation,
Jesus, His son, has been given,
Creation, creation,
Just receive Him and you will see creation.
For more information about Evolution, I recommend the following:
• Henry M. Morris, Biblical Creationism (Baker Book House, 1993).
• Ken Ham, The Lie (Christian-Life Publishers, 1992).
• Douglas B. Sharp, The Revolution Against Evolution (available at www.rae.org, 1994)
• Jerry Bergman, The Criterion (Richfield, MN: Onesimus Publishing, 1984).
• Walt Brown, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (Center for Scientific Creation, 1995).
The actual NOVA program from which this quote may have been taken is “God, Darwin and Dinosaurs” which was broadcast originally on February 21, 1989.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (New York: Harper and Row, 1965), 219. This is the original source quoted in Henry M. Morris, That Their Words May be Used Against Them (San Diego, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1997), 113.
H. S. Lipson, “A Physicist Looks at Evolution,” Physics Bulletin 31 (May 1980): 138. This is the original source quoted in Henry M. Morris, That Their Words May be Used Against Them (San Diego, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1997), 112.
See The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible by Paul S. Taylor and Genesis and the Dinosaur by Erich A. von Fange. (The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible can be ordered at the Institute for Creation Research on-line store which can be accessed at http://www.icr.org. Genesis and the Dinosaur can be ordered from
Erich A. von Fange, 808 Savannah River Drive, Adrian MI 49221.
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., “Darwins’ Teaching of Women’s Inferiority,” Acts & Facts 23, no. 3 (March 1994): Impact #249, i-ii.
Ibid, iii.
Ibid, i.
Ibid, iii.
Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., “The Year 2000 and Bible Prophecy,” Acts & Facts 28, no. 11 (November 1999): Back to Genesis #131, i.
Samuel L. Blumenfeld, NEA Trojan Horse in American Education (Boise, Idaho: The Paradigm Company, 1984).
Wall Street, directed by Oliver Stone, starring Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen & Darryl Hannah, Twentieth Century Fox, 1987, videocassette.
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, “Ethics and Values in Biological and Cultural Evolution,” Zygon, the Journal of Religion and Science, as reported in Los Angeles Times, part IV, 16 June 1974, 6. This is the original source quoted in Henry M. Morris, That Their Words May be Used Against Them (San Diego, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1997), 413.